by Our Growth Project | Dec 28, 2017 | Book of Edutainment, Talent
Our Growth Project’s 10th Talent Open Mic event featured artist and OGP committee member Soleil Bashale! Soleil got our crowd hype with his dancing & vocal talent, even incorporating live instruments into his set. His friends Gustavo and Austin backed him in...
by Our Growth Project | Nov 30, 2017 | Book of Edutainment, Talent
Our Growth Project’s 9th Talent Open Mic event featured artist Nikko Mcfadden, who showcased his music, a new music video, as well as educated us on the power of music by performing a song first a cappella, then adding the music track. We had over 50 people attend...
by Our Growth Project | Nov 21, 2017 | Talent
Our Growth Project’s mission is to discover greatness in youth through “edutainment”: education, art and entertainment. On October 26, 2017 Our Growth Project celebrated its first year anniversary. Our Growth Project has been hosting its Talent Open Mic...
by Our Growth Project | Oct 26, 2017 | Book of Edutainment, Talent
Our Growth Project’s 8th Talent Open Mic event marked the One Year Anniversary of OGP! We featured dancer/speed painter Delphin Starr from Minneapolis, who showcased his incredible art talent. Nikko Mcfadden was unable to make it to this event, and Bryanna Bee...
by Our Growth Project | Jun 30, 2017 | Book of Edutainment, Talent
Our Growth Project’s 7th Open Mic event would be our first event in collaboration with Augustana University! This new beginning was attended by 40 people to kick off the summer! This month’s Featured Artist was SAP Adams! Born and raised in Sioux Falls, Chaz Adams...