For July, the Our Growth Project team took an eight hour road trip down to Keokuk, IA! The hometown of OGP Vice President Travis Nye, this marked our very first performances outside of South Dakota!
Friday morning we visited Radio Keokuk and did an hour long live interview. Local newspaper, Daily Gate City, ran a front page article talking about OGP!
Friday night we did a preview performance at local spot L-Treyns! Travis Nye and OGP Director of Community Engagement Soleil Bashale gave the audience just a taste!
Saturday brought the main event, a theatre show at the Grand Theatre! This show featured a two part act by the Magic of Travis Nye and included a live tribute to Harry Houdini. Soleil Bashale also took the stage to dance and sing original songs. At times he was accompanied onstage by OGP Director of Operations, Jamal “Jam City” Wurtz.
OGP Director of Programs DJ Amanda “Ice Berg365” Hellie spun tunes on stage preshow and OGP President/Co-founder Sul Dibba spoke on behalf of Our Growth Project. Just over 100 people were present to support this event and the vision behind OGP!